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“these are the voyages of the starship Kingston.  its continuing mission--to patrol the orion and klingon borders, to keep a watchful eye on local shipping, and investigate anomalies.”  etc.  NCC-1249, Ellis Dante, Captain.

(first adventure forthcoming, once i finish generating the crew)

how big is that 1701 or d7 IRL?  or especially valid in a multi-dimensional situation--and compared to traveller ships?  kudos to the guy for this -

fasa “reference stardate” conversion (of sorts):
A is century-related, so 0/xx is 20xx, 1/xx is 21xx, -1/xx is 19xx, etc.
BC is the tens & ones, so 0/11 is 2011, 1/45 is 2145, -1/16 is 1916
DE.F would be month.hour (rarely used, and can be ignored)
however the numbers don’t really sync properly:
1701-A refit:  2286, or 2/17.  
to convert, maybe keep the A (depending on any century crossover); try adding 71 to the BC
so “2/06” could mean 2277, circumstances depending.  (example from the NX wizard class) this should be an estimate, not a set formula, for obvious reasons.  example to work on:  klingon k-23a, in service from 1/97 to 2/05.  2/05 would = 2276, but 1/97 then = 2197+71=2268.  therefore more logic needs to apply.  get ready for some math! LOL

(more refit info, dates etc. from the xon site:)

but this site, showing a klingon timeline, possibly puts TOS around ref stardate 2/08?!  must check home for the STIII chronology, for more tweaking.  could open up more fasa trek ships, and make better upgrades for the Kingston as well

the Kingston, as a “frigate” is more suited to specific missions, as opposed to a long patrol cruiser, like Enterprise.  (actually, “cutter” would work as well as “frigate;” see ) therefore the Kingston’s adventures can be more episodic in nature, rather than campaign-like.  her “theater of operations” needs to be small, as  the size of the federation doesn’t logically permit hopping from one end to the other, back and forth.  keeping in mind Quarrel’s Orion “expertise” their region will be one part of the Kingston’s operating area.  check:  does that place her closer to klingon space?  and who are the other powers of that part of space?  actually, it will depend on how i finally decide to map space, or which existing map to use.  fasa, or paramount trek, or sfb, etc. fasa trek has orion space on the border, while the other two have it inside fed space.  powers-wise, in SFB/FC, kzinti are more coreward, lyrans more spinward of the klingons.  in keeping with the “coast guard cutter” concept, the Kingston will operate under the Merchant Marine Command, with an occasional “anomaly results in exploration” adventure.  

the maps:
this map (from the SFB/federation commander universe) will be needed for the kzin angle; this one from fasa trek is possible but debating orion space.  more mappy goodness--

(general note--cardassia/bajor are within either klingon, kzinti, or even lyran space.  their races are most definitely subjugated, and no wormhole or prophets.  and with no wormhole, the dominion is needless speculation and irrelevant.  also, upon reading this i’m skipping trill, too; at least the paraTrek versions)

also interesting--the SFB map (as i read it) has romulans trailing, klingons spinward, tholians rimward.  the paraTrek omnipedia map has both romulans & klingons trailing, with the latter in the rimward side.  the fasa one above is closer to SFB, romulan/klingon-wise.  at this point i’ll likely use the SFB version, then tweak it.

first adventure?  maybe something quick, like merchant ship distress call turns into first contact situation.  merchant’s warp drive goes wacky (poor maintenance?) and they end up in barely-charted space.  surface landing may need to be tempered by first contact and prime directive protocols.  the eber (ebers?) from 2300 AD could be a good choice.  assume the first survey of the area was of the simple “number & type of worlds in system” variety.  if it was in the early federation era, the eber could’ve been (trav) TL 5-, and now maybe 8 or 9.  eber info online here:

further missions could include merchant or other escort, science backup, defending against pirate attacks (orions or the odd mixed-race crew variety), straightforward rescues, etc.

also--representative klingon vessels to encounter (from ) could be destroyers, escorts, etc.  good examples are:  
L-6b frigate (1/92-2/10, or pos. 2260-2286)
k-23a (pos. 2268-2276),
d-18a (p. 2272-2286),
k-3 gunboat (in small groups?)
the L-9A frigate is (while also overpowered) more likely a movie-era vessel (p. 2286 only; the B then comes around 2288).  
Orion ships’ dates:
wanderer blockade runner:  2/17, 2288
lightning       “              “   :  “unknown” but STSTCSODA thinks of them as TOS era ^_^
and for further inspiration, deckplans of the mighty d7--

for merchant vessels, maybe use the contellation?

plus STSTetc. has the Nilron freighter (1/88 onwards, so 2259+), the Lenexa freighter (no date given), Chameleon scout-trader (1/85, 2256), and the Lotus Flower fuel carrier (possibly 2/02, 2273)

to consider:  as a “coast guard” vessel, the Kingston would have multi-purpose shuttles.  perhaps some of the “heavy” shuttles should be equipped with tractor beams and other towing gear (mainly for rescue purposes).

another area to pursue:  the galactic “edge” but from “above” or “below” the plane.  also, considering the relative density of stars in the orion arm, are there “rift” areas?  perhaps one of the above locations can provide some of the psionic (and eventual AV travelling) adventure potential.  calling a certain doctor. . . and beware rips in the fabric of time-space.  who knows what could be looking in?  (another direction to go in, since “it’s my playground” LOL  at the moment, “above” could have the cthulhoid portals/weakness, and “below” one to w40k space (another adventure, a meeting with a misjumped Rogue Trader).

check TOS episodes that involve time travel (there are at least 2).  one may have to be retconned out for ridiculousness (gary seven, i’m thinking of you). summary links, by season:

note--the organian peace treaty (if i keep it) comes from season 1, “errand of mercy” (memory alpha says 2267) (likely to be unknown to the feds & klingons right away as cthulhoid entities eat the organians, and many of the other “energy being” lifeforms bwahaha)
the klingon/federation “four years war” mentioned in fasa skews the dates--they say 1/94-1/98, which would be 2194-8.  memory beta instead says 2250s, which would work for the TOS episode stuff.  but i prefer a general on again/off again sense of conflict between the powers, leading up to the organian episode, then quickly reverting back (post TOS) to the general small scale/localized conflict all the way to (possibly) STVI.

plus the history will need updating, or rather tweaking.  there still could be a “eugenics wars/ww3” almost-apocalypse.  but instead it can be brought about by climate change and resource wars--the high tech upper class vs. the lower tech extensive poverty have-nots.  some of the years would need adjusting (make it mid-21st century) but Khan could still escape earth, somehow.  maybe tie it in with the vulcan first contact and introduction of star travel?

also look into 2300 AD (for example) aliens.  what ones could/would exist in federation space?  hivers, too?  if the federation (ca. 2266) is supposed to be multi-racial, then the crew should reflect that ideal/concept.  maybe even substitute star frontiers aliens?

crew positions needed:  captain (human female) Ellis Dante (slight build [stats depending] olive complexion, mediterranean-esque homeworld or turkish/italian descent, dislikes the “fiery” stereotype), science officer, nav (vulcan), communications (caitian), medical, chief engineer; maybe lead shuttle pilot?  one human must be named Stuart MacLachlan ^_^ (perhaps the SO)

TOS starts 2265; TAS, 2269; TMP, “mid-2270s” (ST2, 2285, but ex astris says 2281)

"player" group will span multiple ships over the years, transferring to different vessels over the years as their existing ones are either destroyed or retired.  the possible ship order could be coventry > wizard > miranda > nebula > nova
(write down those ship entry years; nova itself is 2370; later ships in that class are active 2375)

or the general homepage for the above:

USS Kingston, NCC-1249, coventry-class (mk II).  frigate, but bacon’s stats seem off in comparison to other fasa frigates (low power points available, for example)

sigh -

but more, too -

useful for imagining the internal arrangement of the Kingston:

start with the Kingston (our coventry) in 2266--2270s should bring wizard class as the coventry gets drydocked for a miranda refit. will need to compare relative crew sizes for such a thing

from the stardate article the year (converted) that the wizard class comes around is 2277.  this makes sense given the superstructure is a TMP+ design.  when the time comes, the crew will just get the USS Neverland, NX-603, and the Kingston goes into spacedock for miranda-conversion (same name, new registry number, no “A” or that stuff).  as the wizard-class is also a test platform, a gateway (multidimensional) device acquired in an earlier adventure can be installed on the Neverland.  will a trip to the land of the Hitler-moon be forthcoming for that ship?  O.o

30s-50s as of 2266, so older crew likely to be retiring around 2300+, at least the younger ones!  partway through the miranda-Kingston’s lifetime we’ll see our “next generation” coming in (equivalent to enterprise B/C eras?).  although consider tuvok is 114 by the end of “voyager”--yes, vulcans age well, but dunno ‘bout them hoomins.  remember McCoy’s appearance (age 137) in the first TNG ep (2364)

timeline stuff: note sulu gets the excelsior command in 2290.  how old will he be?  plus enterprise B is commissioned 2293; the C is destroyed in 2344, the D is commissioned in 2363

the miranda class can work from anywhere around mid-2270s all the way to 2375!  it would be a stretch to have our “miranda-kingston” last that long, but it could work.  then the crew could get a brand-new nova class ^_^.  originally i thought a nebula would make a cool transition ship, but i’ve since reconsidered.  first, the size is too big for the crew (almost double?).  second, upon further views, the shuttlebay doesn’t seem to work--way too small, and tucked at the rear like that, compared to the huge bays on the ent.-D.  (and a blueprint on cygnus shows other decks hidden by the “pod!” um, no) so unless a better/more appropriate ship is discovered, we’ll skip from miranda to nova directly.  presuming things get that far.

more timeline info:

other useful ship stat data:

neat uniform/era chart:

change in registry number assignments in 2315--

a good theory on the retirement of older vessels:

general trek-verse concepts:
--no time travel (alas, will have to invalidate some stuff)
--still debating the “fighters & carriers” bit
--lots of TNG+ stuff will end up discarded (e.g. frequent uniform & phaser changes)

another ship to encounter, like the “antagonist” ship from zissou (hennessy?  find an equivalent name).  one that’s a “harem” ship.  inexperienced male captain, all female bridge crew, etc.  or, a male First Officer, and all the rest are females, etc.

shuttle info:

from the coventry’s write up:

(columns are model I and II; Kingston is a model II)

a write-up on that site for the constitution class just lists number, not differentiated.  a write-up for the loknar on the ststcsolda site shows only 2, not diff., shuttles.  but the loknar doesn’t have the larger shuttlebays of a Coventry.  the anton, 4, not diff. either.

standard shuttle would be ilke the 1701’s Galileo, a “class F” which holds 7 crew.

so possibly the “light” shuttle would be a shorter or thinner version, with only 2-3 crew.  heavy could be either reinforced or rescue vessels.  cargo would be like heavy, but perhaps only 2 crew and a large storage bay.

also look to the hard copy SotSF for clarification.

SotSF checked, only says "10-11" shuttles/small craft. 

regardless, it probably won’t be addressed until necessary in the “stories”


i mean, you’d need a lot of interference not to bother with transporters.  perhaps the “light” ones are prototype fighters/long range system scouts; the “heavy” will be rescue capable vessels.  if there’s a big enough emergency, or multiple things going on in system, then all shuttles could be deployed, in conjunction with the Kingston herself.

another note from SotSF:  it carry "up to 30 medium sized" shuttles in extremis. 

but also interesting, the old enterprise (const. class) says "2-3" but wasn't one shuttle the galileo


?  even if you give shuttles the odd numbers, that's #4.  memory alpha says nothing about a numbering system, but does imply a limited warp capability -


regardless, that will be a story point addressed as needed.  there has to be something in the ship's class needs/operating role that would necessitate such a large number of shuttles, etc.  "fast frigate" doesn't cut it.  maybe FF stands for "frontier frigate?"  something that would include lots of shuttles?  maybe some small or medium ones are science/recon platforms, used to cruise a system for data, with the frigate as home base/mother ship.